
2025 Rides and Activities

We used to schedule Trail Rides/Activities out for a full year, but we always seemed to change them throughout the year. Except for the few listed below. If you are interested, we are pretty good at notifying our group through the Group Me app of upcoming rides and activities. Upon joining the chapter, request access to our GroupMe site.

  • Feb 28-30 – Sportsman Show
  • Feb 28 – State BCHI Directors meeting
  • March 1 – State BCHI Convention
  • April 5-7 -Horse Expo
  • April 12-20 – Southern Utah Ride
  • June 21-22 – Whoop-Um-Up Trail clearing and ride

Keep the message short (They don’t want personal details)

This is all the detail they need, tell them:

  1. You don’t support the release of public managed lands from the BLM to the State of Idaho.
  2. This land is where we recreate; Camping, Riding, Fishing, et. Look at how much revenue is spent on this activity in Idaho.
  3. The state cant afford to manage the land.
  4. If they support this, don’t count on a vote at the next election.

Go to “Your Legislator” tab to get phone numbers and addresses.