
Boise BCH Documents

Membership Form (Also available at meetings):

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Idaho BCH Documents

Public Event Liability Insurance

Volunteer Information and documents(opens in a new tab)

  1. Instructions
  2. Public Events Liability Insurance Form – pdf
  3. Additional Insureds Form – pdf
  4. Release and Waiver of Claims (BBCH) – pdf

Brand Inspection

  1. Transporting Livestock in Idaho – pdf
  2. Transporting Form – pdf

Volunteer Work

USFS Documents

Grant Opportunities

BCHA Grant Committee The BCHA committee is a standing committee that will disseminate grants to states and chapters.

IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION (IDPR)Grants and Funding Technical assistance and instructions for completing the grant application.

Idaho Horse Board Grant An online application.

Governmental Studies

Government Guidlines

Buy American A material purchase guideline

Clean Water Act

EPA Low Erosivity Guidance Erosivity is the term used to describe the potential for soil to wash off disturbed, devegetated earth during storms.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

Idaho Equipment Regulations to provide information on who would own/purchase the equipment, how will inventory be managed (how will it be stored in off season) …

Small Construction Waivers only available to stormwater discharges associated with small construction activities (i.e., 1-5 acres)

Storm Water Pollution Protection Guidance for FY2018. If not followed, hefty fines will result.