Call for Photos


Back Country Horsemen of Idaho funds the state organization by collecting money raised by chapter dues and the sale of a very nice calendar. This calendar is filled with photos submitted to the state by you, the chapter member. Please participate and submit as many as you like.

NEW DUE DATE FOR PHOTOS—NOVEMBER 30th for calendar 2 yrs out.

You never know when you will be able to take a nice picture, so always carry a camera!

Photo criteria –

  • Must be of BCHI members, taken by a BCHI member or taken for BCHI (such as a newspaper).
  • Can be taken in any state and the cover photo will be selected from Idaho submissions.
  • Must have a horse/mule in the shot.
  • Or be a work project with members wearing safety gear: (hard hat, safety glasses/goggles, ear protection, gloves, chainsaw chaps).
  • Heads and faces preferred over tails and backs.
  • Kids photos welcome: If using saws they must have safety gear on.
  • Do not resubmit photos that have been used in previous calendars.
  • Photos are placed by seasons – winter, spring, summer and fall.
  • Winter photos: can have non-equine shots that show the effects of cold and snow.
  • Please submit as many photos as you wish on CD, DVD or USB drive. NO PRINTS. USB drives will be mailed back to you . If you want your CD/DVD back please let me know.
  • Photos need to be in JPEG Format. Set your digital cameras to the highest size settings possible.
  • Please do not resubmit photos that have been used in previous calendars.
  • If you only have a few photos or no way to burn them to CD or a USB drive, you can e‐mail them directly to me.
  • USB drives will be returned after calendar is printed.

After the submission of photos, please download and complete the Calendar Info Submission Form .

Thanks for your help and the submissions-
Debbie Samovar,
9176 E Soaring Hawk Ln,
Saint Maries,
ID 83861