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You will want to join the Group Boise  Back Country Horsemen (BBCH)

Instructions on: How To Join FACEBOOK:

1. Go to the Facebook website above. Under Sign Up, type your information into the boxes.

2. Facebook will send an email to the email address you provided. Click on the button Confirm Your Account. A numeric confirmation code is also provided and you may be asked to type this in.

3. Facebook will now open your profile and ask you a series of questions to help you get started. Step 1 is to help you find friends who are already using Facebook. Click on the Next button if you do not recognize or wish to connect with anyone in this list.

4. On the Welcome page Facebook gives you the opportunity to connect with people in your email address book/contacts. It does this by taking the email address that you used to create your profile. If you want to see who it suggests click on Find Friends and it will access your email contacts to match them up with Facebook users.

5. Next the Welcome page suggests that you get to know your privacy settings. See our guide Privacy settings: How to stay safe on Facebook.

6. Add a Profile Picture. Many people choose to put a picture of something other than themselves for their profile.

7.  Facebook is all about connecting with people so step 4 allows you to search for people you might know by typing in their names.

Your new Facebook Profile Once you have done all of this your new Facebook page will open.

The first thing you will see is an option to change what is known as your cover photo. This is a large image that appears at the top of your personal page and is different to your profile photo. It can be of a scene that you like, a party, a cartoon, a flag or anything else that you feel is important to you…or even just looks nice.