Back Country Horsemen of Idaho Foundation
Now that you hopefully understand how to utilize the Back Country Horsemen of Idaho Foundation (BCHI Foundation), you will want to know what to do once a donation has been acquired.
Here are the necessary forms to be utilized and how to go about using them.
A grantor or donor who requests a tax exemption (local business, large corporation, or private monetary grantor) will need the “Receipt for Donation” completed by your chapter’s BCHI Foundation Representative. This is their receipt.
(Keep a copy to submit to the BCHI Foundation Treasurer.)
Complete and submit the “Grant/Donor Deposit” form to the BCHI Foundation Treasurer. This form represents the chapter’s instructions to the Foundation as to how the funds are to be disbursed. This form also advises the BCHI Foundation who the authorized BCHI Chapter Representative that may request reimbursement.
The “Request for Reimbursement” form is then to be used advising the BCHI Foundation Treasurer as to whom the funds are to be issued to and the amount requested. This form, along with the Grant/Donor Deposit form, is to be sent to your BCHI Foundation Treasurer.
That is all there is to it! Let the BCHI Foundation do the processing for you.
For further inquiries, contact your Chapter’s BCHI Foundation Representative.
BCHI Foundation Documents